Artificial Intelligence Creative Center of Excellence (AICC)

AICC is a Center for Artificial Intelligence-based Creative Studies aiming to improve the implementation of artificial intelligence in various fields, especially in business, industry, and education. AICC encourages the adoption of artificial intelligence technology through industry collaboration, business transformation, and studies of current technology. The cooperation with industry will enhance the insight and improve science on AI, which brings benefits for study programs and students.

AICC was established on September 9, 2019 (09092019) in Yogyakarta. The head of the AICC Study Center until now is Dr. RB. Fajriya Hakim, M.Sc. This study center has been conducting research activities related to Big Data and the use of AI since 2015.

The following are some of the topics in AICC research. Student of SSP-UII (Statistics Study Program-UII) interesting in one of the topics, you can register by clicking the following link. These research topics is prioritized to become your final project.

  • 2021-2022

    Theoretical and Empirical Study of Hybrid Models for Classification of Cyberbullying

    The classification of cyberbullying is a text analysis of the NLP (Natural Language Processing). The hybrid model is used to automatically classify comments that allegedly contain cyberbullying in some social media in Indonesia.

  • Theoretical and Empirical Study of Hybrid Models for Classification of Clickbaits

    The classification of clickbait is a text analysis of the NLP (Natural Language Processing). The hybrid model automatically classifies news from various digital media in Indonesia using clickbait sentences to lure more readers.


  • 2021-2022

    Theoretical and Empirical Studies of Hybrid Models for Spatial Analysis related to Text Mining

    The hybrid model is employed in text mining for classification. Then, the result will be projected into a spatial map. The research also measures the correlation of text/language patterns between regions in Indonesia

  • Building Asset Price Prediction System on Website Using a Hybrid Model

    Prediction of asset prices includes prices for houses, land, vehicles, lifestyle support, and others by utilizing a hybrid model. The model’s output is expected to be in the form of a website so that it can be accessed and used by the general public.
