Data Mining Laboratory

The Data Mining Laboratory (DM) is the home for statistics and the academic community, especially in the field of Data Mining. This scientific study covers computer science, computation statistics, Artificial Intelligence, and bioinformatics for Big Data. The DM laboratory provides support for SSP-UII (Statistical Study Program, UII) academic catur dharma activities.

Muhammad Muhajir, S.Si., M.Sc.

Carry out practicum learning courses, conduct the compulsory/elective courses (which need lab activities), facilitate research, and support community service in the fields of business, industry, and social affairs.

The facilities are the laboratory room and its equipment: the comfortable discussion room, some projectors, sound system, fingerprint, etc. The software for analyzing data includes open-source (R, Rstudio, python, etc.) and licensed (SPSS, Minitab, Tableau, etc.). The modules of practicum in DM are provided in the printed or digital e-book (limited to some modules which have e-ISBN/ISSN).

Systems for analyzing data and modules. The following table shows some samples of research in business, industry, and social areas supporting by Datmin Lab.

1 MyBotS Prototype on Social Media Discord with NLP Muhammad Muhajir 2021 Click me 
2 Designing Android-Based Library Application with Rough Set Jaka Nugraha 2020 Click me
3 Building an Initiation of Financial Reporting System Using Blockchain and Classification Analysis to Financial Distress Arum Handini Primandari 2019 Click me
4 Image Classification of Golek Puppet Images using Convolutional Neural Networks Algorithm Tuti Purwaningsih 2019 Click me
5 GPU Based Image Classification using Convolutional Neural Network Chicken Dishes Classification Dina Tri Utari 2018 Click me


Below are the photos of Data Mining Laboratory (Datmin).