Hallo Statistician 🤗
Apa kabarnya nihh? Semoga sehat dan bahagia selalu yaa! ✨

Kami mengundang teman-teman semua untuk mengikuti kuliah umum dengan tema:
“Perkembangan AI & Dampaknya terhadap Dunia Industri”
Yang akan dilaksanakan pada:

📅 Rabu, 14 September 2022
⏰ 09.00 – 11.00 WIB
📌 Ruang Auditorium lt. 4 FMIPA UII

🗣️ Bapak Arrent Ong
(Senior Product Manager for Artificial Intelligence PT Epsindo Prima Solusi)

E-Sertifikat dan Snack

Link pendaftaran:

Yukk tunggu apalagi, daftarkan dirimu dan ikuti kuliah umumnya! ✨

Berikut ini  merupakan nama dosen Prodi Statistika UII :

1.  Abdullah Ahmad Dzikrullah, S.Si., M.Sc

2. Achmad Fauzan, S.Pd., M.Si.

3. Akhmad Fauzy, Prof. S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D.

4.   Arum Handini Primandari, S.Pd.Si., M.Si.

5.  Asyharul Mua’la, S.H.I., M.H.I

6.   Atina Ahdika, S.Si., M.Si.

7.    Ayundyah Kesumawati, S.Si., M.Si.

8.  Dina Tri Utari, S.Si., M.Sc.

9.   Edy Widodo, Dr., S.Si., M.Si.

10.   Jaka Nugraha, Dr., S.Si., M.Si.

11.   Kariyam, S.Si., M.Si.

12. Muhammad Hasan Sidiq K, S.Si., M.Sc.

13. Muhammad Muhajir, S.Si., M.Sc.

14. Mujiati Dwi Kartikasari, S.Si., M.Sc.

15. Raden Bagus Fajriya Hakim, Dr., S.Si., M.Si.

16. Rahmadi Yotenka, S.Si., M.Sc.

17. Rohmatul Fajriyah, Dr.techn., S.Si., M.Si.

18. Tuti Purwaningsih, S.Stat., M.Si.

The Annual International Conference on Mathematics and Sciences Education (ICoMSE 2018) will be held in Malang, East Java Indonesia on 28-29 August 2018. This Conference is jointly organized by Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences State University of Malang, Indonesian Mathematical Society, Indonesian Chemical Society, Indonesian Physical Society, Indonesian Biology Consortium, Association of Computer Sciences Higher Education, Indonesian Sciences Educator Association, Indonesian Biology Education Association.

The aim of the conference is to provide a platform to the researchers, experts and practitioners from academia, governments, NGOs, research institutes, and industries to meet and share cutting-edge progress in the fields of mathematics education, natural Sciences education, biology education, and chemsitry education.

Selected papers will be published in conference proceeding indexed by Scopus or Thomson Reuters.

More Information: http://icomse.fmipa.um.ac.id/index.php

Sumber: http://icomse.fmipa.um.ac.id/index.php

Hereby some publications of Asmadhini Handayani Rahmah

1. Analysis of Economic Growth Based on Exchange Rate and Prime Lending Rate Using Markov Chain Analysis

2. A Stochastic Approach on the Difference Number of Neonatal Death in Developed and Developing Countries


Berikut repositori Arum Handini Primandari:

1. Applying Extrapolation Technique to Flexible Binomial Model for Efficiency of American Option Valuation

2. An Alternative Forecasting Using Holt-Winter Damped Trend for Soekarno-Hatta Airport Passenger Volume

Hereby some publications of Muhammad Muhajir:

  1. Indonesia’s Province Segmentation Based On Flood Disaster Impact With Self Organizing Maps (Som) Algorithm
  2. Association Rule Algorithm Sequential Pattern Discovery using Equivalent Classes (SPADE) to Analyze the Genesis Pattern of Landslides in Indonesia

  3. Metode Improved CHAID (Chi-Squared Automatic Interaction Detection) Pada Analisis Kredit Macet BMT (Baitul Mal Wa Tamwil)

Hereby some publications of Tuti Purwaningsih, M.Sc :

  1. Penerapan Regresi Logistik Biner Terboboti Geografi dengan Pembobot Fixed Bi-Square
  2. Comparison of Uniform and Kernel Gaussian Weight Matrix in Generalized Spatial Panel Data Model
  3. Modeling Spatial Ordinal Logistic Regression and The Principal Component to Predict Poverty Status of Districts in Java Island
  4. Comparison of Binary, Uniform  and Kernel Gaussian Weight Matrix in Spatial Autoregressive (SAR) Panel  Data Model and The Application

Hereby some publications of Atina Ahdika:

  1. Persistence Process of Stock Price Movements Based on Markov Chain Analysis
  2. Deterministic and Seismic Hazard Risk Analysis in Bantul Regency
  3. Distribution of the Difference of Two Independent Poisson Random Variables and Its Application to Literate Population Data