Business, Industry, and Social Laboratory

The Business, Industry, and Social Laboratory (BIS Lab) is a home for statistics in the scientific interest of business, industry, and social. The field of business includes statistics in economics and business. The industrial area comprises the application of statistical methods in industrial processes: production and distribution. While the social area, which has a broader scope, consists of health, community services, social relations, the environment, and others.

Dina Tri Utari, S.Si., M.Sc.

Carry out practicum learning courses, conduct the compulsory/elective courses (which need lab activities), facilitate research, and support community service in the fields of business, industry, and social affairs.

The facilities are the laboratory room and its equipment: the comfortable discussion room, some projectors, sound system, fingerprint, etc. The software for analyzing data includes open-source (R, Rstudio, python, etc.) and licensed (SPSS, Minitab, Tableau, etc.). The modules of practicum in BIS are provided in the printed or digital e-book (limited to some modules which have e-ISBN/ISSN).

Systems for analyzing data and modules. The following table shows some samples of research in business, industry, and social areas supporting by BIS Lab.

1 Establishing Product Distribution Route of Coca-Cola, Semarang Indonesia Arum Handini Primandari, Triadi Arie Santoso, Ayundyah Kesumawati 2018 Click
2 Analisis dan Evaluasi Faktor Pengambilan Keputusan Calon Mahasiswa Memilih Program Studi Statistika (Studi Pada Mahasiswa Program Studi Statistika UII Tahun Penerimaan 2015-2017) Achmad Fauzan, Asmadhini Handayani Rahmah, Sendhyka Cakra Pradana 2017 Click 
3 Estimating multivariate response surface model with data outliers, case study in enhancing surface layer properties of an aircraft aluminium alloy Edy Widodo, Kariyam 2017 Click
4 Control of wastewater using multivariate control chart Jaka Nugraha, Is Fatimah, Rino Galang Prabowo 2017 Click
5 A Panel Data Analysis of Rice Production in Ngawi Regency, East Java Dina Tri Utari, Tyas Yuliana, Andrie Pasca Hendradewa 2019 Click


Below are the photos of Business, Industry, and Social Laboratory (BIS Lab).