a. Study Program’s Name : Statistics
b. Vision : To become a leading Statistics Study Program that produces
data analysts who possess integrity and enthusiasm for society
c. Missions :
1. Incorporating Islamic values into a statistical way of
thinking (Da’wah Islamiyah).
2. Developing teaching and learning activities with
international standards (education).
3. Carrying out and assisting quality research in the field of
statistics to solve human problems (study).
4. Applying skills and statistically thinking for the benefit of
the people (community service).
d. Goals :
1. Produce data analysts who master theories and
methodologies and are ready to act as policy analysts,
disaster analysts, data scientists, or actuaries with integrity
and enthusiasm at the global level.
2. To produce quality statistical scientific work that is
advantageous for the benefit of the people.
e. Educational Level : S1
f. Degree : S. Stat.
g. Year Estabilished : 1996
h. Normal Study Period : 4 years
i. National Accreditation : A
j. Accreditation/International
: –

Figure 1. Profile of the Statistics Study Program Graduates

Graduates Profile Qualification Graduates Profile Description
1.   Academicians

Academicians are people who are highly educated and work as lecturers or researchers at a college, university, or a higher education institution

2.   Data Analysts

Data analysts are people whose jobs range from collecting, processing, analyzing, interpreting, and presenting data to help make management decisions. Graduate profiles as data analysts include:

a)    Data Analyst in various policy nd disaster fields

b)   Scientist in various business fields

c)   Actuaries

Graduates of department of Statistics are expected to be a data analyst who is mastering theories and methodologies and competent to play a role as policy analyst, disaster analyst, data scientist, or actuarist with high integrity and enthusiasm.

The operation of the Indonesian Islamic University is guided by two basic values, namely devotion (worship) and excellence. This value is revealed to be an educational goal that is determined to produce graduates who are qualified in their chosen field of science and master Islamic knowledge, which makes them ready to become Muslim scholars and future leaders of the nation. (Extracted from Articles 7 and 9 of the Statute of the Islamic University of Indonesia 2017).

The Learning Outcomes (Capaian Pembelajaran/CP) of the Statistics Study Program are formulated by referring to the following rules:

  1. A General Description of the Indonesian National Qualification Framework (Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia/KKNI) Qualification Level has been established based on Presidential Regulation Number 8 Year 2012 concerning KKNI.
  2. The Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture Number 49 Year 2014 concerning National

Higher Education Standards.

  1. The Statistics Study Program Communication Forum (FORSTAT) and the Indonesian Mathematical

Association (INDOMS) on the general knowledge and special skill aspects.

  1. Learning outcomes for the aspects of general attitudes and skills have been determined by the government through the regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture Number 44 Year 2015 concerning National Higher Education Standards. This regulation elaborates Presidential Regulation of Republic of Indonesia Number 8 Year 2012 concerning the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework.
  2. American  Statistical   Association   (ASA)   Undergraduate   Guidelines   Workgroup,   Curriculum

Guidelines for Undergraduate Programs in Statistical Science.

The followings are the learning outcome (LO) formulation of S1 Statistics Study Program by FORSTAT

and INDOMS. It is classified according to four parameters described in the learning outcomes description:

Table 1. Formulation of FORSTAT and IDOMMS LO For S1 Statistics Study Program

Parameter Description of Learning Outcomes
The ability in the Field of Work (Special Skills) KK1 The students will be able to compile and/or choose an efficient data collection/generation design and apply it in a survey, experiment, or simulation.
KK2 The students will be able to perform data management and analysis using statistical techniques with the help of software.
KK3 The students will be able to solve real problems statistically then present and communicate them in a way that is easy to understand both in writing and oral.
Mastery of



PP1 The students will be able to master the basic concepts of statistical science and statistical analysis methods that can be applied in various applied fields.
PP2 The students will be able to master at least two statistical software, including open-source software.


KM1 (KU-M) The   students   will   be   able   to   work   together   and communicate in teams also be responsible for their work.
KM2 (KK-M) The   students   will   have   professional   ethics   in   the application of statistics.

Learning outcomes following KKNI of Ministry of Research and Technology (Kemenristekdikti) for the Statistics

Study Program.

Table 2. Formulation of KKNI Kemenristekdikti Learning Outcomes

a.   taqwa  (being  cognizant)  of God Almighty  and  able to  show  a religious attitude;

b.   upholding human values in carrying out duties based on religion, morals, and ethics;

c.   contributing to improving the quality of life in society, nation, state, and advancement of civilization based on Pancasila;

d.   being citizens who are proud and love the country, have nationalism and a sense of responsibility to the state and nation;

e.   respecting the diversity of cultures, views, religions, and beliefs, as well as the opinions or original findings of others;

f.    cooperating and have social sensitivity and concern for the community and the environment;

g.   obeying the law and discipline in social and state life;

h.   internalizing academic values, norms, and ethics;

i.    showing   a   responsible   attitude   for   work   in   their   field   of   expertise independently;

j.   internalizing the spirit of independence, struggle, and entrepreneurship.

a.  mastering the concepts of probability theory and statistics, mathematics, calculus, elementary linear algebra, statistical analysis methods, and the basic of computer programming;
b.   mastering several statistical methodologies (methods and models) used in solving problems in several fields;

c.   mastering at least two statistical software, including open-source software.

a.   able to conduct experimental design, data collection and generation (in the form of surveys, experiments, or simulations), data organization, data analysis using statistical techniques, and to draw valid conclusions by utilizing at least one statistical software;

b.   able  to  solve  estimation  problems,  testing  hypotheses,  predictions,  and forecasts in several fields by utilizing data and several statistical methodologies (methods and models) and presenting them in the form of descriptions that are easy to understand by users;

c.   able to analyze several alternative solutions available in the field of statistics to solve problems and present analytical conclusions for the appropriate decision making.

a.   able to apply logical,  critical, systematic, and  innovative thinking in the context of developing or implementing science and technology that pays attention to and involves humanities values in accordance with their field of expertise;

b.   able to demonstrate independent, excellent, and measurable performance;

c.   able to study the implications of the development or the implementation of technological science that pays attention to and applies humanities values according to their expertise based on scientific principles, procedures, and ethics to produce solutions, ideas, designs, or art criticism;

d.   compile a scientific description of the results of the study mentioned above in the form of a thesis or final project report and upload it on the college page;

e.   able to make decisions appropriately in the context of solving the problem in their field of expertise, based on the results of information and data analysis;

f.    able to maintain and develop networks with mentors, colleagues, peers both inside and outside the institution;

g.   able to be responsible for the achievement of group work results and to supervise and evaluate the completion of work assigned to workers under their responsibility;

h.   able to carry out the self-evaluation process of the workgroup under their responsibility, and able to manage the learning process independently;

i.    able to document, store, secure, and recover data to ensure validity and prevent plagiarism.

The following is the formulation of learning outcomes for the Statistics Study Program UII.

Table 3. Formulation of Learning Outcomes of the Statistics Study Program UII

Indicator Abbreviation Explanation


S(g) Obeying the law and discipline in social and state life
S(h) Internalizing academic values, norms, and ethics
S(i) Demonstrating an attitude of responsibility for work in their field of expertise independently


S(c) Contributing to improving the quality of life in society, nation, state, and advancement of civilization based on Pancasila
S(d) Being citizens who are proud and love the country, have nationalism and a sense of responsibility to the state and nation


S(f) Cooperating and have social sensitivity and concern for the community and the environment
KU(f) Being able to maintain and develop networks with mentors, colleagues, peers both inside and outside the institution
KU(g) Being able to be responsible for the achievement of group work results and to supervise and evaluate the completion of work assigned to workers under their responsibility
KU(h) Being able to carry out the self-evaluation process of the workgroup under their responsibility, and independently able to manage the learning process


S(b) Upholding human values in carrying out duties based on religion, morals, and ethics
S(e) Respecting the diversity of cultures, views, religions, and beliefs, as well as the opinions or original findings of others
KU(c) Being able to study the implications of the development or the implementation of technological science that pays attention to and applies humanities values according to their expertise based on scientific principles, procedures,  and ethics to produce solutions, ideas, designs, or art criticism
Indicator Abbreviation Explanation

Ulil Albab

S(a) Taqwa (being cognizant) of God Almighty and able to show a religious attitude
S(j) Internalizing the spirit of independence, struggle, and entrepreneurship


PP(b) Mastering several statistical methodologies (methods and models) to be used in solving problems in several fields
KU(a) Being able to apply logical, critical, systematic, and innovative thinking in the context of developing or implementing science and technology that pays attention to and involves humanities values in accordance with their field of expertise


PP(a) mastering the concepts of probability theory and statistics, mathematics, calculus, elementary linear algebra, statistical analysis methods, and the basic of computer programming


KK(c) Being  able to  analyze  several  alternative solutions available in the field of statistics to solve problems and present analytical conclusions for the appropriate decision making


PP(c) Mastering at least two statistical software, including open-source software


KK(a) Being able to conduct experimental design, data collection and generation (in the form of surveys, experiments, or simulations), data organization, data analysis using statistical techniques, and to draw valid conclusions   by   utilizing   at   least   one   statistical software
KU(i) Being able to document, store, secure, and recover data to ensure validity and prevent plagiarism


KU(b) Being able to demonstrate independent, excellent, and measurable performance
KU(e) Being  able to  make decisions  appropriately  in  the context of solving the problem in their field of expertise, based on the results of information and data analysis
Indicator Abbreviation Explanation

Communi- cative

KK(b) Being able to solve estimation problems, testing hypotheses, predictions, and forecasts in several fields by utilizing data and several statistical methodologies (methods and models) and presenting them in the form of descriptions that are easy to understand by users
KU(d) Compiling a scientific description of the results of the study mentioned above in the form of a thesis or final project report and upload it on the college page

Student’s activities and learning progress are assessed periodically. This assessment can take the form of exams, assignments, and observations.

  1. a. Exams may be administered through Midterm Exams, and Final Exams, Final Project, or Thesis Defense. Midterm and Final Exams are structured assessments of learning outcome They are conducted on a scheduled basis at the middle and the end of the semester.
  2. b. The assignments given by lecturers to students may be in the form of book reading reports, case evaluations, articles/news comments, papers, or other forms of activities carried out by lecture
  3. c. The lecturer made observations on students’ attendance in class and their activeness during the

teaching and learning process

A    University Courses :

University Courses Credit Semester Prerequisite
Islam Rahmatan lil’Alamin 3 1
Indonesian Language for scientific communication 2 1
English Language for Science 2 1
Civic Education 2 2
Pancasila 2 2
Islam Ulil Albab 3 2
Arabic 3 2
Sharia Entrepreneurship 2 5
Community Service (Kuliah Kerja


2 5 >100 sks
University Activities Credit Semester Prerequisite
In-depth Study of Islamic Basic Values 0 1
Self-development in accordance with


0 1
Leadership and Da’wah Training 0 2
Self-development Training 0 5

B    Study Program Courses : (Study Program Courses during normal study period)

Semester 1

NO Course Name Credit Prerequisite
1. Linear Algebra for Statistics 3
2. Calculus I 3
3. Statistical Method I 3
4. Business Environment 2
5. Programming Algorithms 2
6. Programming Algorithms Practicum 1

Semester 2

NO Course Name Credit Prerequisite
1. Official Statistics I 3
2. Disaster Management 3
3. Calculus II 3 Passed Calculus I
4. Statistical Methods II 3 Passed Statistical Methods I
5. Introduction to Probability 2
6. Exploratory Data Analysis 2
7. Database 2 Passed Programming


8. Exploratory Data Analysis Practicum 1 Currently/have taken EDA
9. Database Practicum 1 Currently/have taken


Semester 3

NO Course Name Credit Prerequisite
1. Multivariable Calculus 3 Passed Calculus II
2. Introduction to Mathematical Statistics


3 Passed Introduction to


3. Official Statistics II 3 Passed Official Statistics I
4. Sampling Technique 3 Passed Statistical Method I
5. Applied Regression Analysis 2 Passed statistical Method II
6. Management Information System 2 Passed Database
7. Applied Regression Analysis Practicum 1 Currently / have taken

Applied Regression Analysis

8. Management Information System


1 Currently/have taken MIS
9. Simulation Techniques* 3 Passed Programming


10. Financial Analysis* 3
11. Managerial Accounting* 2
12. Hydrology and Climatology* 2

Semester 4

NO Course Name Credit Prerequisite
1. Success Skill 1
2. Introduction to Mathematical Statistics


3 Passed Introduction to

Mathematical Statistics I

3. Geographic Information System 3 Passed Database
4. Nonparametric Statistics 3 Passed Statistical Methods II
5. Operations Research 2 Passed Introduction to

Mathematical Statistics I

6. Operations Research Practicum 1 Currently/have taken

Operations Research

7. Remote Sensing (MK) 3 Passed Disaster Management
8. Business Decision Analysis (BS) 3 Passed Statistical Methods II
9. Information Technology and Big Data


3 Passed Database
10. Life insurance I (AK) 3 Passed Introduction to


11. Methods & Work Measurement (ID) 3
12. Introduction to Financial Statistics* 3 Passed Introduction to


13. Cost accounting* 2
14. Introduction to Economics* 2
15. Introduction to Management* 2

Semester 5

NO Course Name Credit Prerequisite
1. Research Methods 2 Passed Statistical Method II
2. Statistical Quality Control 3 Passed Statistical Method II
3. Design Of Experiment 3 Passed Statistical Method II
4. Categoric Data Analysis 2 Passed Statistical Method II
5. Time Series Analysis 2 Passed Applied Regression


6. English Language Practicum II 1 Currently/Have Taken

English Language I

7. Categoric Data Analysis Practicum 1 Currently / Have Taken

Categorical Data Analysis

8. Time Series Analysis Practicum 1 Currently/Have Taken Time

Series Analysis

9. Geo Statistics I (MK) 3 Disaster Management
10. Econometrics For Business (BS) 3 Passed Applied Regression


11. Business Intellegence And Machine

Learning (DS)

3 Passed Database
12. Life Insurance II (AK) 3 Life Incurance I
13. Production Planning And Control (ID) 3 Passed Statistical Method II
14. Advanced Operations Research * 2 Passed Operations Research
15. Analysis Of Covariant Variants * 2 Passed Statistical Method II
16. Production System * 3 Currently/ Have Taken Production Planning And Control

Semester 6

NO Course Name Credit Prerequisite
1. Internship 2 Credits > 80
2. Applied Multivariate Statistics 2 Passed Introduction To

Mathematical Statistics I

3. Statistical Consulting 3 Passed Statistical Method II
4. Introduction To Stochastic Processes 3 Passed Introduction To


5. Introduction To Data Mining 3 Passed Database
6. Computational Statistics 2 Passed Programming


7. Applied Multivariate Statistics


1 Currently/Have Taken Applied Multivariate Statistics
8. Computational Statistics Practicum 1 Currently/Have Taken

Computational Statistics

9. Geo Statistics II (MK) 3 Passed Geographical

Information System

10. Research And Marketing Strategy (BS) 3 Passed Statistical Method II
11. Data Visualization (DS) 3 Passed Exploratory Data


12. General Insurance (AK) 3 Passed Introduction To


13. Integrated Quality Management (ID) 3 Passed Statistical Quality


14. Project Management * 3
15. Introduction To Life Data Analysis * 3 Passed Statistical Method II
16. Engineering Economics * 3 Passed Introduction To


17. Facility Layout Planning * 3

Semester 7

NO Course Name Credit Prerequisite
1. Final Project 6 Credits > 120
2. Comprehensive Examination 1 Credits > 120
3. Data Intelligent 2 Passed Programming


4. Introduction to the Reliability Model* 3 Passed Introduction To

Mathematical Statistics I

5. Response Surface Methodology* 2 Passed Applied Regression


6. Advanced Multivariate Statistics* 2 Passed Applied Multivariate


7. Biostatistics* 2 Passed Statistical Method II
8. Trending Topics on Statistics* 3 Passed Statistical Method II

Semester 8

NO Course Name Credit Prerequisite
1. Final Project 0 Key in Final Project in the previous semester

C    Recapitulation of the number of credits : (recap of the number of credits during the study period)



Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Total


Sem 1 Sem 2 Sem 3 Sem 4 Sem 5 Sem 6 Sem 7 Sem 8


6 5 4 3 2 20


14 20 18 13 16 14 9 6 110


10 24 22 27 12 95
Total Credits 20 20 28 42 42 44 23 6 225

D    Map of Learning Outcome :

A     Qualifications of prospective students      :

B     Special Requirements for Study Program (if any)       :

C     New Student Admission                            :    refer to the web

Statistics  Study  Program  of UII  has  five concentrations,  namely:  Business  and  Social  (Bisnis  dan Sosial/BS), Industrial Statistics (Statistika Industri/ID), Actuarial Science (Aktuaria/AK), Data Science (DS), Disaster  Management  Statistics  (Statistika  Manajemen  Kebencanaan/MK).  The  concentration Disaster Management Statistics only found in the Statistics Study Program UII and not in other universities that organize Statistics Study Programs in Indonesia.

Academic Degree

S. Si. – Sarjana (S1)

Duration of Study

8 Semester (estimated full-time study)

Campus Location

Zanzawi Soejoeti Building,
Main Campus
Jln. Kaliurang km 14,5, Sleman, Yogyakarta 55284


National Accreditation: