Statistics and Bioinformatics Research Center is a study center that explores the application of multidisciplinary sciences, namely statistics, mathematics, computer science, biology, chemistry, physics, medicine, and information technology, in solving problems in various fields. In particular, bioinformatics is more related to human, animal, and plant health (food/agriculture/forest) and their biodiversity.
Prof. Dr. H. Zanzawi Soejoeti Building
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science
Universitas Islam Indonesia
Jl. Kaliurang km. 14,5 Sleman, Yogyakarta 55584 Indonesia
Phone : +62 274 895920 ext. 3017
Fax : +62 274 896439 ext. 3020
Email : statistika[at]

Berdasarkan Keputusan LAMSAMA Nomor 002/SK/LAMSAMA/K-Akred/S/III/2023 Memutuskan bahwa Program Studi Statistika, Pada Program Sarjana Universitas Islam Indonesia, di Kabupaten Sleman Memenuhi syarat peringkat Unggul